Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wild Violets

This is the time of year the wild violets are blooming.
They grow near my home on a rocky southwest facing slope.
Driving by you'd swear nothing would grow there.
Yet reliably they return each year.

The first year I saw the violets I admired them with photos.
The second year I saw the violets I made violet syrup.
Now I am content to let them grow because I know if I
pick the flowers they won't have a chance to spread their seed.
Drive slowly, look closely, saunter along,
Wild violets are underfoot, in all their diminutive splendor 
Hoping you'll notice and admire their delicate beauty.


  1. Beautiful things - beautiful tenacious things.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, I am amazed they can survive on that rocky spot


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