Thursday, May 11, 2023

Deviled Eggs

Deviled Eggs

6 eggs
dash of white vinegar
2 tbs sour cream
1 tbs Dijon mustard
1 tbs prepared horseradish
salt & pepper
sprinkle of smoked paprika
sprinkle of chives

Place eggs in cold water in a medium saucepan with a dash of vinegar in the water. Cook on high till water starts to boil. Take pot off the heat and let sit covered for 10 minutes. This cooking method ensures a yellow somewhat soft egg rather than a dry one with a green edge. Scoop eggs out of hot water and place in cold water to stop cooking. Change cold water till eggs are cool. Peel eggs and slice them in half lengthwise. Gently remove yolks, chop and place yolks in a separate bowl. Notice there are only 10 halves. There is always one egg which kind of falls apart. I chop that one up with the yolks. That way my deviled eggs are nice and full. Add sour cream, mustard, horseradish, salt and pepper to yolks and fold into eggs. Add a dash of white vinegar if you like. I prefer my yolk mixture to have texture. Some folks like their yolks to be creamy. Do what you prefer. Fill each half egg with yolk mixture. Sprinkle top with smoked paprika and then with the chives and serve. Enjoy !

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