Sunday, June 18, 2023



Gary has gone to a local flea market for years.
He has sold there, bought there, and visited there.
A few weeks ago he met one of the vendors he knows well.
The person was selling their usual fare.
He asked if they had something I desired for a new project.
They had an item they thought might fit the bill.
He tried to pay but they wouldn't take the money.

A week or so went by and the person had yet 
 another item they gave him for free, wouldn't take a dime.
I planned on making blueberry bread for this vendor.
This morning I made the bread and he delivered it.
As he was delivering it, I had it in my mind 
the delivery would bring tears to the person's eyes.
I was just about to write about this when Gary came home.
He delivered the blueberry bread and it did indeed bring tears.
The person said they'd given many an item away
but had never received anything in return.
Never forget to reciprocate
It might be the best thing in someone's life in a very long time.

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