Saturday, June 17, 2023

Hasselback Beets


Hasselback Beets

I know they don't look like much but they would have.
The Greek yogurt was curdled so I couldn't use it for the sauce.
Peel beets, slice in half and the slice 1/4 inch almost through.
Drizzle with olive oil and herbs of choice.
I used dried dill, dill seeds, salt, and pepper.
Bake in 375 F oven for 30 minutes for small beets.
They cooked uniformly and much quicker, so there's that.
I love beets, Gary does not, more for me.

Next time they'll be prettier but they are good for you.
My fingers are still red from cutting them.
I usually use gloves but sometimes not.
Enjoy !

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