Monday, July 31, 2023

Baked Okra with Remoulade Dipping Sauce

Baked Okra with Remoulade Dipping Sauce

Cut up your okra in bit sized pieces, toss in olive oil,
 salt & pepper and place in an oiled baking dish.
Bake at 350 F for about 30 minutes.
For the sauce I used 2/3 cup mayonnaise,
1 tablespoon mustard, 1 tablespoon rice vinegar,
1/2 teaspoon fish sauce, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce,
1 tablespoon of sweet chili sauce and salt & pepper to taste.
Gary and I shared a plate thoroughly enjoying it.
The sauce was a bit tangy but definitely hit the spot.
No the okra is not slimy at all.
Eat your vegetables !

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