Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Random Acts of Kindness

I keep this story purposefully vague so no one knows who the person or business is. We went to a local business to get something done. The person gave us the material and did the project for free. We couldn't believe it, Then the person said they'd lost a contract and were retiring.

Once again I decided to make some of my blueberry bread and bring it by. I have an abundance of blueberries and I enjoy sharing them. Problem is the person is only there occasionally. Today they happened to be there when Gary drove by and Gary gave them the blueberry bread. The person was so flabbergasted someone brought something to them, they had tears in their eyes. They said the bread would probably not make it home.

Gary was on his way to another errand but he called me to tell me about the delivery and I am sitting here so happy that my small token of appreciation made someone else very happy. Let's all keep doing random acts of kindness; I am seeing in today's world, kindness is needed more than ever. So in that vein you might see a few more stories like this cropping up now and again.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. Kindness never goes astray - to give or to receive.


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