Sunday, July 9, 2023

Shibori T Shirt & Scarf

Shibori T Shirt & Scarf

These are the two items I made at the Shibori Workshop
I took yesterday at the Blue Ridge Mountain Art Center.
Indigo is a substantive dye and no mordant is needed.
So after scouring the material it can be dyed right away.
For the t shirt I used glass beads to resist the dye.
I didn't get the beads tight enough and there is bleeding
to other parts of the material but I'm ok with that
Gary said he can't wait to wear the t shirt.
The t shirt is all cotton.

I also used glass beads to resist the dye here;
it isn't easy to get the beads evenly placed on the scarf.
On the bottom I used clothes pins with leave a little square.
There is a whole technique of measuring and gathering
of the material to get it more symmetrical.
You can see on the right bottom edge I gathered
up too much material at that edge and got more squares.
The scarf is a rayon cotton blend and has a soft feel.
Will I do this again, not sure but it was fun non the less.
I do like the natural blue color the indigo dye imparts.

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