Friday, July 7, 2023

Somewhat Ratatouille

Somewhat Ratatouille

Why is it somewhat ratatouille?
Because there is no eggplant which is traditional,
and I've added mushrooms which is untraditional.
I've used onions, squash, peppers, fresh tomatoes, garlic, and herbs.
Seasonings were Herbs de Provence, basil, parsley, salt, and pepper.
Above are an heirloom straight yellow squash.
They are very firm unlike yellow squash from the grocery.
This means they will hold up well in this dish
or perhaps in a casserole or for squash patties.

In olive oil sauté the onions, then the peppers, remove from pan.
Add the mushrooms and cook slightly, remove from pan.
Next add the squash, it took a while for this squash to soften.
Then add the garlic at the end and remove all from pan.
Toss in the halved tomatoes and herbs, salt, and pepper.
Pour into an oiled baking dish and heat at 350 F for 20 minutes.
I have yet to bake it but I am sure it will be tasty.

These are a mixture of cherry size tomatoes I am growing.
There are chocolate sprinkles, red pear, and yellow heirloom.
I actually had more I picked to use but no new photo.
Ratatouille can be served warm or room temperature.
Enjoy !

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