Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Chicken Poblano Enchilada Casserole

Chicken Poblano Enchilada Casserole

Brush your 9 x 13 baking dish with olive oil
and line with a layer of corn tortillas.

For the ingredients I used 8 boneless skinless chicken thighs
which were precooked and chopped small.
I also sautéed one onion and one large red bell pepper, then
blistered 8 poblano peppers, skinned, deseeded and chopped them.
Salt and pepper ingredients as you go.

Almost forgot I wanted to use up my few cherry tomatoes
so chopped them in quarters and added them to the mix.

Place half of chicken pepper mixture over the tortillas,
then add another layer of tortillas
and add the other half of the chicken pepper mixture.
Pour half a bottle of green salsa over the mixture, then
last add another layer of tortillas and pour
remainder of green salsa over the top.
The salsa finds its way throughout the casserole while baking.
Top with a melty grated cheese of your choice
and bake in 375 F oven for 40 minutes till bubbly.
I put the casserole dish on a baking sheet but it didn't bubble over.
I did tuck the edges down all around to prevent any mishaps.

This casserole will feed a large group of folks and is delicious.
I was a bit worried with all the poblanos; it was spicy but not too hot.
You could top with black olives, sour cream and corn kernels.
We didn't find it necessary but it would be colorful for a party.
This casserole can be frozen before baking or warmed for leftovers.
If frozen, thaw casserole for 24 to 48 hours in fridge, then bake.
We'll be eating this casserole all week long.
Enjoy !


  1. Hooray for meals that keep feeding you.
    Your comment on my latest post worried me a bit. Are you ok?

    1. Thanks Sue, it's touch and go, Gary has hurt his hip and I have ongoing issues, we really need a one level house but the prospect of moving is daunting to say the least. Every day is something all encompassing it seems. Things that would be small when we were young, are monumental nowadays.

    2. I hear you. And hope that you can find health, peace and comfort.


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