Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Cherry Zucchini Salsa Served with Grilled Turkey Thighs


Cherry Zucchini Salsa served with Grilled Turkey Thighs
Yes, this was our Christmas dinner.

1 small jar tart cherries, drained & chopped in half
        or pitted fresh cherries or frozen cherries (not canned too mushy)
4 mini red peppers chopped fine
1 pint cherry tomatoes halved
1 medium shallot chopped fine (soaked in water, then drained)
1 small zucchini chopped small
1 large garlic clove micro-minced
1 tablespoon of brown sugar or honey (if cherries aren't too sweet)
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon dried mustard
1/2 teaspoon dried chipotle pepper or more if to your liking
1 lime, zest and juice
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup cilantro chopped fine

I bought a bunch of maraschino cherries to make chocolate covered cherries. So far I made two batches of chocolate covered cherries. Now I see I need to do something with the rest of the cherries otherwise I'll be fatter than a bear just before hibernation. So I decided to make cherry salsa. I also had most of these ingredients in my refrigerator so also needed to use them up. I blended this all up in my blender. This salsa is so delicious I think I could bottle it and sell it. We had the salsa with out grilled turkey thighs for Christmas dinner. No the thighs were not burnt just shy of that. Now I'm trying to think of other ways to use the salsa since it made quite a bit. What about on pork chops or chicken. Yummy!

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