Thursday, February 15, 2024

Aji Amarillo Sauce

Aji Amarillo Sauce

1 package of mini peppers roasted
1 pint mini tomatoes cut in half
1 overripe banana cut up
1/8 cup olive oil (more or less)
1 heaping teaspoon aji amarillo (ahee amareeho) dried pepper powder
salt and pepper

After roasting the peppers, blend all ingredients in a blender till smooth. Isn't this sauce a beautiful color? What would you call that color? It sure is delicious, it's spicy and tangy but not too much, and very fruity.

We had the sauce on chicken and rice, so delicious. Much nicer tasting and nicer looking this time blended up, unlike the chunky sauce I made previously. It pays to try and perfect recipes. I could have used some cilantro leaves to enhance the look of the plating but we loved it. Enjoy !

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