Monday, May 6, 2024

Whole Porgy on the Grill

Whole Porgy on the Grill

Just as we lit off the briquets it started to pour. Our home is vinyl sided so we usually roll our mini weber grill out beyond the overhang. Then we have a bird house on one end of the deck with babies in it and the other end has the bird feeders. We have priorities. This time we took a risk.

Rinse the whole fish and pat dry inside and out with paper towels. Rub olive oil  over the fish inside and out and sprinkle with salt. Insert lemon slices and parsley in the body cavity and wrap in thin sliced bacon securing them with toothpicks inserted on a slant. I put apple wood chips over the briquets just before putting the fish on the grill.
Use a couple of spatulas to turn fish over after 5 or so minutes. When cooked through use the same spatulas to remove fish from the grill. I had wrapped the tail to keep it from burning off but it came off anyway. The fish was delicious.

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