Monday, August 19, 2024

Pitiful Eggplant Harvest

Pitiful Eggplant Harvest

I can't win them all. My eggplant harvest is 4 small eggplant and one with a bug bite. I cut the bug bite out. To be fair these were Ikiban eggplant which are naturally long and narrow. We just don't get enough heat here and the bin I had them in dried out much too quickly.

I peeled and diced the eggplant. Beforehand I sautéed one small shallot till soft in some olive oil, then added one micro-minced garlic clove. After one minute I added the diced eggplant, then I added some aminos (a gf substitute for soy sauce). Next I covered the pan and cooked till the eggplant was very soft. Doesn't look very appetizing but it was real tasty. Soy, garlic and shallots enhance the eggplant which readily absorbs any flavors which are added. Gary doesn't like eggplant so I ate it all myself. There really wasn't much there, after all the moisture evaporated. 

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