Thursday, November 21, 2019


At a recent farmers market someone asked me how I came to be making my current work. I tried to formulate in my mind when it happened. I realized it was a long process.
I came home and decided to look back at some of my previous work to see if I could put my finger on just how my work evolved. I knew my work entailed years of going off on one tangent or another, experimenting and trail and error.
Art doesn't come from an immediate revelation or discovery, but from weeks, months, and years of  work. It comes from layers of experimentation applied to one process and then re-applied to another without knowing what the outcome may be
At one point circles and figure eights seemed to intrigue me. So I applied them to the stacked strips of clay.
The process of making these forms takes quite a while but I enjoy that. One piece seems to lead me to the next and the next.
Now I'm using flat strips of clay. I wonder where I'll be going next? The only thing I know is that I don't know..
Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. Good thinking, and nice to see the process developing. Everything is influenced by where we are, what we see, how we think!

  2. Hi Barbara, thanks, yes that's true and I have always been drawn to the earth and when I travel I can't help but notice the layers of the earth when they cut roads into steep places.

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  4. I do love to see how your work evolves. Very pretty!

    1. Hi Denise, thanks, it's all a mystery to me, lol.

  5. I too love to read how people come up with the ideas they do. As for myself, things you see or think about take form and shape within your head. As you mentioned "the layers of the earth", I see the sky and really wish I could capture that in watercolor...

    1. Hi Rian, thanks, yes layers of the earth, been a gardener since I was in the 4th grade so loved the earth all my life. Been thinking about watercolor for some time myself, so many ideas and so little time.

  6. Your thoughts...your creativity bear beautiful fruit...wonderful creations enjoyed by many...thanks to the time you give...and the hard work you do. :)

  7. Hi Lee, thanks, dh likes to say making pottery keeps me out of jail, perhaps that is true, lol.

  8. Oh wow.. those are amazing.

  9. Thank you for explaining how your beautiful works evolve. It is always so interesting to me to see through an artists eyes. They truly are lovely!

  10. it is interesting to look back and ponder.. I wonder if this pause will bring more of the same or a change in direction for you.. enjoy the journey.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment