Friday, July 24, 2020

Chantenay Carrots vs Rainbow Carrots

There's not much carrot for so much greenery with these chantenay carrots. the seed pack says to harvest when finger size; I guess this is about right. So I'll head out to the bin to pick the rest of them. Growing these carrots makes me better appreciate those I purchase in the grocery, They hold onto the soil quite nicely and must actually be pulled up with a bit of firmness and then there is the task of cleaning off the soil.
I'm reading carrot tops are edible. It was previously thought they were poison but they're not. Of course one thinks of pesto for greens but there are other ways to use them. Check the source link above for more ideas.
Next year I think I'll grow rainbow carrots. Actually these are called Kaleidoscope carrots by Burpee. Meanwhile we've picked another six cucumbers and I've made soup with them again. I read that if I leave out the yogurt I can freeze the soup. We got a small upright freezer just before the covid struck hard so we have more room to freeze produce.

Be Safe, Be Well


  1. I read somewhere recently that cauliflower leaves can be fried and added to dishes - which makes me wonder how much other food I have been throwing away which I could have made use of.
    Love the rainbow carrots - do they taste any different?

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, I know folks during the depression in our country ate dandelion leaves which are supposedly very nutritious; and I know the common weed plantain is edible, I think the rainbows taste similar but I do know that some varieties have been developed to be sweeter than the usual carrot.

  2. Those finger carrots are interesting but all your produce is. I didn't know you could make pesto out of the tops. I'm going to remember that. Thanks Linda :)

    1. Hi Denise, thanks, I didn't know that either till I looked it up; in the grocery we don't often see carrots with their tops left on, if it was a long carrot the tops and carrot could be three feet long, my tops were really long.

  3. The carrots must be deliciously sweet. :)

    I'm sure we do waste much that can be eaten. The only vegetables I peel are onions...I never peel anything else. Just make sure you don't eat rhubarb leaves. The leaves are poisonous, I figure you already know that. :)

    Keep taking good care, Linda. :)

    1. Hi Lee, thanks, I never have grown rhubarb but I did know that about the leaves; saw it on a cooking show. I tried to donate some fresh produce to the food bank but they only take fresh from the grocery stores.


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