Saturday, July 18, 2020

Finches, Fernleaf Dill, and Rudbeckia

 fernleaf dill going to seed
 a pair of yellow finch at the feeder
sorry my long range can't get close enough
and if I get any closer they fly away
I just peeked out the window and they are back
here's what a male looks like up close
rudbeckia (black eyed susan) starting to bloom
I just realized all three photos are in the same color family
everything is golden
Be Safe, Be Well


  1. Love to see everything golden! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, I am appreciating having a bird feeder now that I only have an indoor cat.

  2. Hi Sue, thanks, I'm trying to train myself on focusing on the good in life.

  3. Replies
    1. Hi R's Rue, thanks, if only we can focus on the golden.

  4. Such a pretty little bird, the finch. :)


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