Thursday, September 1, 2022

Golden Zucchini Pizza Crust

Not everything I made turns out they way I want it too. I decided to dry making some golden zucchini pizza crust, much like I've read about cauliflour pizza crust. It didn't get as crunchy as I would have liked. We ate it plain. 

First I grated the zucchini and baked it for about half an hour to dry it out. It didn't get as dry as I thought it would. I'm not giving any of the measurements for the ingredients because no sense in promoting a failed effort. That tray is one golden zucchini grated; they were rather large.
Then I mixed it up with parmesean cheese and some gluten free baking flour. Next I flattened it out on an oiled pizza pan and baked it for about 20 minutes. The crust held together enough to slice it, but it would never have supported any toppings. More experimenting will be necessary to come up with a suitable crust consistency.
White Rabbit to you all.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Sue, thanks, it is fun finding new recipes

  2. But did it taste good plain? I think it might have. White Rabbit to you and Gary.

    1. Hi Barbara, thanks, yes it did taste good plain.


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