Friday, April 28, 2023

Bad Girl Fried Onion Rings

Bad Girl Fried Onion Rings

Why do I call them Bad Girl Fried Onion Rings?
Because onions don't agree with Gary so I have to eat them all myself.

For the batter mix 1/2 cup 1:1 GF flour and 1/2 cup potato starch.
Add a teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
Add a tsp of paprika and garlic powder, 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
In a separate bowl beat one egg and add 1/2 cup buttermilk.
Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients.
Slice one medium onion into 1/2 inch slices and separate rings. 

Batter should be thick, mine was too thin as you can see above.
Dip each ring into batter and let drip off and place on a plate.
Use a small width pan and fill with 2 inches of peanut oil.
Heat oil to medium high, test a small drop of batter to see if it sizzles.

Carefully drop each onion ring into oil and don't overcrowd them.
Cook till onions are golden brown and drain on a paper towel.
Cook all the onions rings in batches.
This batter is light and fluffy and the yellow onions were sweet.
There was enough batter for two onions so I put the excess in the fridge.
We shall see if the batter works for another onion.
Enjoy !


  1. They sound good - and I wouldn't get them all to myself here.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, dh would eat them but they don't agree with him

  2. You're a busy girl. :)

    1. Hi Lee, thanks, got to eat so I cook something every day


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