Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Take Me Some Place with Flowers

Take me some place with flowers
for my eyes and nose delight
Take me some place with birds and bees
Flying and flirting in flight.

Take me some place with workers
Pruning last year's abundant growth
Take me some place with farmers
Working hard to achieve their oath.

Take me some place with flowers
drifting dragonflies and butterflies
Take me some place with gardeners
Puttering over their abundance with sighs.

Take me someplace with machines
Working and tilling the earth
Take me some place with dirt and dust
Where one dearly hopes for no dearth.

Take me someplace with animals
Grazing in lush green pastures
Take me some place with fences
Built to avoid potential disasters.

Take me some place with children
romping in mud puddles galore
Take me some place where they
play and tire, never ever bored.

Take me some place I try to
remember each year's past beauty.
Take me to gardens I've been before
Lest I forget, please make it your duty.

copyright @Linda Starr


  1. I think it was Cicero who said that if you have a garden and a library you have everything you need - in my eyes he was right.
    Love your poem.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, my library is sorely lacking and I'm redoing my perennial garden


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