Sunday, April 23, 2023

The Tiniest Critter - Sunday Inspiration


One day I was waiting at a stop light; it was a long light. All of a sudden I saw a very tiny critter crossing the road in front of me. It was running in the crosswalk of all things. Perhaps it was a deer mouse or a vole. It was scurrying as fast as it could but it's legs were so short it was taking quite a bit of time to get across. I became invested in the tiny critter making it across the road. I started hoping and praying the poor little guy would get across the crosswalk in time. I vowed if the light turned green I would not move no matter how many folks honked at me. Finally it made it across in front of me but it still had the other lane to cross. Thankfully it made it across that lane but it came upon the curb and the critter was so small, I surmised, it couldn't jump. It must have been a vole for surely a mouse could jump that high. I watched as it entered the storm drain as it's final destination. I think of that tiny critter every once in a while and it brings me hope. In a big world there are lots of tiny yet all encompassing struggles going on right under our noses. © Linda Starr


  1. How right you are. I am glad that long journey/struggle was successful too.

    1. Hi Sue, thanks, funny how the tiniest creature can stick in my mind


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