Sunday, May 21, 2023

Botanical Adventure - Sunday Inspiration

Botanical Adventure

Some of you may know of my perennial garden.
I made the mistake of planting bee balm and it took over everything.
I finally made the decision to remove it all and start again.
So I am embarking on a botanical adventure involving plants.

Right now it doesn't look like much but I have high hopes.

If you know anything about plants you know many are edible,
but recently I've learned some can be used in paper and fabric dyes.
Then there is something called eco printing where
 the imprint of the leaves of flowers are left on fabric or paper.

I've attempted to include plants with potential dyeing attributes.
Some plants I know of, some I will learn about.
Geraniums, goldenrods, marigolds, roses can be utilized.

Others like crocosmia and yarrow, I have no idea if they will work.

What about hosta and it's flowers?
I've used leaves in my pottery making so this seems
like a project right up my alley. 

Can sage be used ?

What about lemon balm ?

What about my beloved lavender ?

Then there are leaves and flowers of trees; what about those?
These are all questions I am researching and
will also be experimenting with this summer.
Stay tuned, I am off on a botanical adventure.


  1. You might be interested in this blogger's post. She often dyes using plants from her garden.


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