Thursday, October 19, 2023


Platypus by Stefan Heinrich

I watched an interesting nature program last night on the Platypus
filmed in Tasmania and learned it is native there
and also Australia. Last time I recall hearing
about a platypus was in grammar school.
Click the link to learn more about this fascinating mammal.


  1. They are indeed fascinating - and like too many (far too many) other species their numbers are declining and they are in trouble.

    1. The documentary was about helping to save them, apparently a man who had bad health news but found solace near the creek and started taking photos of them and later was bringing attention to their plight to raise awareness and getting volunteers to help clean up the creeks and rivers to improve their habitat and reduce plastic hazards and pollutants.

  2. I also watched PBS's Nature last night with Platypus! I was totally thrilled to see these strange little mammals. It was such a well done story, with a narration that was touching in the care the man felt for the animals.

    1. Hi Barbara, nice to hear from you. I loved the story, nature can be so healing and refreshing. We now sit on the porch every afternoon with our cat Bonkers and we call it 'Bonkers Time' he looks forward to it and so do we, lol, Got to get it in as much as we can before the cold weather.

    2. Boy! I've been having so much trouble trying to post a comment here, lately....finally! I've succeeded! :) A few weeks ago I wrote and article about the platypus, along with other of our Aussie animals.

      Beautiful creatures, one and all.

    3. Hi Lee, thanks, I'll have to go back and look, funny how I can remember learning about the platypus so long ago, wonderful creatures they are


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