Monday, November 27, 2023

Leaves Being Singed Did Not Work

Leaves Being Singed Did Not Work
You can clearly see that the fairy lights
and tannin bursts are still occurring
despite my doing a singe on each and every leaf stem.

In addition the top didn't print much at all.
My bundle was not tight enough.
I am going to attempt to re dye this one
and see if I can improve the looks.
Back to the drawing board.


  1. Back to the drawing board indeed. Good luck.

  2. I took a workshop to try and get myself back into art and discovered tis unique way of dyeing cloth and it's permanent. amazing isn't it, even onion skins can be used. some folks use some food stuff or spices that are not permanent, I am just learning it all to keep my elderly mind young hopefully, lol


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