Sunday, December 3, 2023

Mushroom Tips

Mushroom Tips

Mushrooms provide Vitamin D essential for good bone health
among many other health benefits.
Many people are deficient in Vitamin D.
Many commercially grown mushrooms
found at the grocery are grown in the dark.
Some mushroom growers irradiate mushroom, some do not.

If you want to increase the Vitamin D in your mushrooms
 set them gill side up in the sun for 1 to 4 hours.
Even on a cloudy day the sun provides UV light.
Yes, your body can absorb Vitamin D from the sun
but those working indoors or during the cold winter
many folks are not outdoors long enough to absorb Vitamin D.

When you purchase fresh mushrooms at the grocery
they're usually wrapped and packaged in plastic.
To extend the shelf life of mushrooms
remove them from the plastic and store in a brown paper bag.
Since I've been doing this my mushrooms last much longer.
I purchase lunch bags and transfer the mushrooms to the brown bag.
Stay healthy give your mushrooms a sun bath before you eat them.

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