Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Beefalo Oxtail Stew - Bourguinonne

Beefalo Oxtail Stew- Bourguinonne

Pure and simple, oxtails are a cow's tail or in this case a beefalo tail. That's right a tail often decried in olden days as a worthless part of the cow and the least costly. Now that oxtails have been "discovered" by gourmet chefs, the price of oxtails has gone up considerably.Never you mind I'm going to cook oxtails at least one time. Not much meat on these bones but the flavor will be extraordinaire I am told, we shall see. Got the oxtails from local farmers at Deer Foot Farms, vendors at the Union County Farmers Market.

Today I am pre-preparing some of the ingredients
so I can get right into cooking the oxtails tomorrow low and slow,
 because that's the key to the best oxtails.
I'm caramelizing one slivered and halved chopped onion low and slow.

I've got some celery and carrots all chopped up.
I'm putting both of the above in the fridge along with the oxtails.

I've also have one leak and some micro-minced garlic pre-cooked too. I don't rightly recall why I had a hankering to make oxtail stew. I must have read collagen in the bones is good for your health, especially for old people (being one although I don't admit it). Supposedly collagen is good for joints and all the marrow helps strengthen bones. Get you some oxtails, When you cook them, you got something, dare I say it, better than any expensive cut of steak.

Beefalo Oxtail Stew - Bourguinonne

My shoulder muscle being locked up I spent the better part of yesterday in the clinic to get a muscle relaxer. Now that I'm doing better, tomorrow it's full speed ahead with oxtail stew. We're going to sear those oxtails and get with it. Stick with me and have faith,  we're on a culinary adventure extraordinaire. Seven hours later the oxtails are falling off the bone and extremely reduced. We'll partake tomorrow.

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