Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Oxtail Stew Served

Oxtail Stew Served

Oxtail Stew, (basically a cows tail) once considered one of the least expensive cuts of meat, now more expensive due to chefs discovering the benefits of this cut (although I couldn't find any restaurants offering it).
Full of collagen, good for joint and bone health, cooked for 7 hours on the stovetop to get meat to fall off the bones, so delicious. Brown floured meat, sauté onions, celery, carrots, garlic, 2 cups dark red wine, 2 cups of no salt chicken stock (yes chicken) dash of brandy, dash of sherry, dash of soy, dash of Worcestershire, thyme, parsley, salt and pepper, cook low and slow. Now you have a meal much better than any steak you'll ever eat. Curious, who still cooks oxtail stew? Please let me know.

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