If you looked out your window and saw this cat staring at you what would you think? Would you rub your eyes to be sure you were really seeing what you thought you were? Does he look wild? Does he look like he wants to attack? What is he thinking? Does he remind you of a cat you might see in a scary movie? Well, appearances can be deceiving.
We're staying in an RV park this month while we pay off our bills, get tires, tuneups, make travel arrangements, and decide which health insurance to get. Gary is still working so we can keep our current health insurance. We are in an indecisive quandary about getting health insurance when Gary quits his job. The quandary is I know I won't be paying for health insurance, I'll be gambling. The insurance company will be gambling we won't go over the deductible and we'll be gambling we won't either and that we won't need any care at all.
The least expensive insurance we can get is with a $10,000 each deductible, 30 percent copay, and $35 office visit and it's about $250 per month. That's $3000 a year, plus $10,000 each, that's $23,000 before the insurance pays anything and that's before we go to any doctors or fill any prescriptions, etc. We might as well pay cash since we are basically healthy. Except we aren't young and the odds are against us. Unless we had plenty of money, it seems we are encouraged to either not have insurance or not go to the doctor unless something major happens. For now we plan to eat right, not do any high risk activities, and hope all our body systems stay in perfect working order. If Gary and I can both get jobs where employers paid for part of our insurance we'd be better off. Gary can get a job easily, perhaps in another area I can too. But with this economy, not so sure. I hear Starbucks pays benefits even for part time employees.
our RV
The other morning I was sitting at the dinette in our motorhome and my cat Butter was looking out the window very intently. We happen to be parked next to a beautiful grove of eucalyptus trees which makes our RV space very private.
cat lady RV
more cats
one under picnic table too
You may recall I met several characters here in the park and one of them was
cat lady. After our initial introduction we've never seen the cat lady again. I think she's a recluse. Cat lady told us all the cats she feeds were abandoned by people who previously lived in this RV park. The day we met the cat lady she introduced us to a few of her cats.
Bones coming to greet me
Anyway, I thought my cat Butter was looking at a bird in the eucalyptus tree beside our RV but as I turned my head I saw Bones, one of cat lady's cats, staring right at me. Now if I hadn't of met Bones beforehand, I might have thought I was looking at an apparition. If I look straight out our window I'm at an eight foot height, which means Bones was a long way up in the eucalyptus tree. Bones has a scrawny body, a lumpy face, and a very penetrating stare unlike any other cat I have encountered.
Bones jumps up to be pet
Apparently Bones was wondering about me and my three cats in our RV and picked a perfect vantage point to survey us from the tree outside, but as you can see Bones is a very sweet cat. Bones reminds me of
Peter and Laura's cat, Ginger. What do you think? I guess cats are a lot like people you can't judge them by their appearance but have to get to know them.
Here's a
Twighlight Zone moment. I just realized Bones is another cat with a name which begins with a "B". If you are curious about that, please read the story about my yellow tabby cat
Butter and how he got his name. My other two cats are named
Binky and
Betty. Bird Man appears next so be sure to check back again.